It has been almost 20 years now since Deborah joined NPS Property Consultants Ltd as a Chartered Surveyor and MRICS Registered Valuer.
Today she works as part of a team supplying Valuation and Estates Management services to a range of public and private sector clients throughout East Anglia and the East Midlands.
This includes providing property management advice together with professional and valuation advice, submitting and processing rating appeals and negotiating with the Valuation Office Agency.
Deborah undertakes asset valuations for a variety of clients and is the lead valuer in delivering significant local authority General Fund asset valuations and Housing Revenue Account housing stock asset valuation commissions. She has particular expertise in Housing Revenue Account asset valuations.
She has successfully challenged rateable values for clients, securing a reduction in the rates payable and a refund of overpaid charges.
She was pleased to have been the Quality Assurance lead for the whole Estates Team for five years, during which time the company achieved ISO 9001 accreditation.
I am proud of the good relationships built with clients over the years of working closely with them.