Now approaching 30 years of post-qualified experience in general practice surveying, Grant specialises in compulsory purchase and compensation cases, as well as asset valuations for financial account purposes.
He has been with Norse f rom its inception and currently heads up a team providing valuation and compulsory acquisition services to a range of clients. As lead valuer, he is responsible for organising and delivering asset valuations to Norfolk County Council and other clients.
Among his greatest achievements has been his leading role on all land and property matters relating to the £200 million Norwich Northern Distributor Road scheme (now known as Broadland Northway). Grant took this through the application and examination of the Development Consent Order to the acquisition of the land required, either by agreement or CPO.
He undertook a similar role on the £120 million Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing, on which construction began in 2021 and is currently involved in the proposed £200 million Norwich Western Link scheme, together with other highway schemes across Norfolk.
I approach every project and see it through with the same commitment, professionalism and, above all, enthusiasm.