Pool Innovation Centre, Redruth
The Pool Innovation Centre
£3.4 millionServices
- Architecture
- Civil Engineering
- Landscape Design
- Project Management

"The Pool Innovation Centre is a high quality and striking commercial office building, designed to BREEAM Excellent standard, showcasing the benefits of an integrated multi-disciplined approach to the design process."

- Name
- 07917 559222
- Chris.Jay@nps.co.uk
- View Biography
"Solution-focused and confident at finding a pathway to success, I am skilled at working with clients in delivering their aspirations. My varied skillset and wide experience enable me to lead and support my team for the benefit of my clients."
Project Summary
The aim with the Pool Innovation Centre was to create a £3.4 million business centre suitable for SMEs, as identified in the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership’s Strategic and Economic Plan.
Part of the Cornwall Workspace Capacity Programme (CWCP), which includes independent workspace projects spread across Cornwall, it is a state-of-the-art, three-storey accommodating up to 70 businesses in dynamic office space. Norse Consulting provided architecture, landscape design, CDM-advisor, civil engineering and structural engineering, MEP, feasibility and RIBA Stages 1 to 7 (fully designed) services, working closely with the council’s Project Management team, as well as client stakeholders and construction company Mace, who undertook the project management and cost consultancy role. The client requirement was to develop proposals to RIBA Stage 4 in support of Cornwall Council’s bid to the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to provide 1,500 sq m gross internal area of high-quality workspace with scope for grow-on space.
The building was designed to BREEAM excellent sustainability requirements, and the design team worked closely with a specialist consultant to incorporate BREEAM credit related design features within the scheme.
The project was particularly challenging due to the ERDF funding cut-off date and the requirement to deliver and complete within three years of ERDF outline application approval.
Project Overview
The creation of high-quality workspace for micro, small and mid-size enterprises (SMEs), resulting in high wage, high skill, local employment and adding to the resilience of local communities and to the long-term strength of the Cornish economy.
Project Impact
The building, which has a high quality, ecologically diverse landscape, was designed in accordance with Approved Document L2A: Conservation of Fuel and Power in New Buildings (2013 Edition with 2016 amendments).
This was achieved via a Fabric First Approach, with good levels of insulation and minimal air infiltration rates and thermal mass to provide night-time cooling. It has a low carbon footprint; renewable energy technologies, such as photovoltaics, were incorporated, and energy consumption was minimised through passive design techniques. At the same time, daylight was maximised while being set against unwanted solar gain.
Norse Consulting delivered highly energy efficient plant and distribution services to achieve minimum carbon emissions. A web-based Building Energy Management System was incorporated to enable the full control and monitoring of the building services installation along with its associated energy. User-friendly engineering services now provide occupants with control of their environment.
Today the building also offers flexibility (both long and short term) in respect of its general layout, environmental control and ability to meet changes to business needs. It provides safe and efficient access to plant for maintenance and replacement and there is a SUDs system within the makeup of surfacing to mitigate against any increased flood risk.
The specification of robust finishes and materials took into consideration the BRE Green Guide to Specification; waste was minimised throughout the construction period by implementing a site waste management plan, and community engagement took place through the Considerate Contractors Scheme and Employment Skills Plan, which aims to encourage local employment and apprenticeships.