Repton Property Developments
Repton Property Developments Ltd
- Project Management
- Quantity Surveying

"It has been exciting to work with both Repton Property Developments and a local design team in providing much needed homes in Norfolk. The development will provide a range of housing opportunities for people and families across the generations, mixing the benefits of all that rural village life has to offer with the advantages of transport links to the wider area and beyond"

- Name
Kim Robertson
ASSOCIATE DIRECTORCertificate in Management, HNC Business and Finance (Primary Qualifications)- Telephone
- 07824 538897
- View Biography
" I am proud to be part of a team that is passionate about providing high quality services that exceed client expectations and supports them in achieving their goals and objectives. "
Project Summary
Recently established Repton Property Developments Ltd was set up to work closely with developers in obtaining planning permission and providing housing on council land already identified by Norfolk County Council as potentially suitable.
Norse Consulting was appointed to deliver development management services, including managing the progress and procurement of the housing project from conception to completion through to sale of the development and aftercare support.
Several plots of land were considered as possible development locations, including 1.2 hectares on Station Road, Lingwood, which has the potential capacity for up to 35 dwellings.
Repton was keen to deliver high-quality homes for the site, which would stand the test of time and differentiate it from mass market development. The plans include a mixture of property size and type for sale, as well as provision for affordable homes.
Key duties for Norse Consulting have involved early engagement with the Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFA), Highways England and the Local Plan team. This has focused on modelling a range of site density options and their financial appraisals to determine initial viability for the development, as well as taking responsibility for progress throughout the technical, legal and financial stages.
Project Overview
Norfolk County Council set up Repton Property Developments Ltd with the aim of building up to 600 much-needed homes over a five-year period and generating an income for the council. Norse Consulting was appointed to provide development management services for the project.
Project Impact
Not only will the housing project provide much-needed, good-quality homes for those in the community, but it will also generate an income for Norfolk County Council.
Norse Consulting’s role enabled the client to focus on achieving its wider strategic goals and developing a strong pipeline for the additional 600 new properties to significantly increase the supply new homes locally.
We quickly established a project team and assisted the preparation of a project brief, outline programme and detailed risk register to commence procurement of consultants to create the concept design and complete early financial appraisals.
Our fully integrated team maintained a close and continuous working relationship with the client and different parties to ensure alignment in vision, brief and communications.